MAARIF 2025-02-20T07:09:24+00:00 M Supriadi Open Journal Systems <p>MAARIF is a scholarly journal dedicated to the critical examination of Islamic and social thought. Published biannually (June and December) by the MAARIF Institute for Culture and Humanity, it provides a platform for rigorous analysis and discourse on issues concerning Islam, Indonesia, and global humanity. The journal showcases diverse perspectives from Indonesian and international scholars, religious leaders, researchers, and activists. Since its inception in June 2003, MAARIF has featured contributions from prominent Indonesian intellectuals and academics.</p> <p>Beginning in 2025, MAARIF will broaden its scope to encompass Indonesian poetry and short story, along with interviews of influential individuals. Moreover, each edition's cover will showcase artwork by Indonesian artists, with the literary and artistic content carefully curated to complement the edition's thematic focus.</p> Editorial 2025-02-20T04:24:51+00:00 Hamzah Fansuri 2025-02-20T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2025 MAARIF Sacred Nature: Restoring Our Ancient Bond with the Natural World 2025-02-20T07:07:39+00:00 Ramita Paraswati <p>Sacred Nature: Restoring Our Ancient Bond with the Natural World karya Karen Armstrong, membahas secara mendalam hakikat hubungan antara manusia dan alam. Ia menyoroti bahwa nilai-nilai relijius yang melekat pada manusia seharusnya menjadi landasan moral dalam menjaga keberlanjutan bumi. Armstrong menerapkan istilah “power” dan “rule” dalam konteks tanggung jawab spiritual manusia yang diberikan Tuhan untuk mengelola alam, yang sering kali terabaikan di era modern.</p> 2025-02-20T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Environmental Justice and Islamic Ethics: A Conversation with Anna M. Gade 2025-02-20T04:37:45+00:00 Laila Hanifah <p>Growing up in California, the land of mountains and wilderness, Anna M. Gade was deeply connected to the landscapes of her hometown. While environmental studies have traditionally been rooted in the hard sciences, she charted a unique path by focusing her attention on the humanities within environmental studies. Specifically, by incorporating Islamic perspectives, she challenges and enriches conventional understandings of the environment and environmental humanities.</p> <p>As Vilas Distinguished Achievement Professor at the Gaylord Nelson Institute for Environmental Studies at the University of Wisconsin-Madison, USA, Prof. Gade is a leading voice in this innovative field. She is the author of <em>Muslim Environmentalisms: Religious and Social Foundations</em> (Columbia University Press, 2019), a pivotal work exploring the intersections of faith and ecology.</p> <p>Beyond her academic contributions in the United States, Prof. Gade’s global impact includes serving as a visiting professor at Universitas Gadjah Mada and Universitas Islam Internasional Indonesia (UIII). Her efforts bridge cultural and academic boundaries, advancing a richer understanding of environmental stewardship from a Muslim perspective.</p> 2025-02-20T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2025 MAARIF Moralitas Agama dalam Krisis Lingkungan: Membangun Kesadaran Ekologis untuk Masa Depan Berkelanjutan 2025-02-20T07:08:33+00:00 Budhy Munawar Rachman <div class="page" title="Page 1"> <div class="layoutArea"> <div class="column"> <p>This article explores the relationship between religion and ecology in addressing the urgency of the global environmental crisis. A reflective and analytical approach demonstrates that religious values, such as moral and spiritual responsibility towards nature, can play a crucial role in enhancing ecological awareness and motivating collective sustainable actions. Based on a review of various religious values and traditions, the article identifies three key findings: (1) religious teachings can strengthen intergenerational responsibility in environmental preservation; (2) integrating religious values with ecological principles creates a more effective holistic approach to mitigating environmental crises, and (3) interfaith and interdisciplinary collaboration catalyzes significant social change. The article’s contribution lies in expanding the academic discourse on ecology by highlighting spirituality’s role as a vital component of sustainability strategies. By combining religious and scientific perspectives, it offers a framework to address contemporary and future environmental challenges.</p> </div> </div> </div> 2025-02-20T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Jihad Ekologi dalam Islam: GreenFaith Indonesia dan Eco Bhinneka Muhammadiyah 2025-02-20T07:08:28+00:00 Hening Purwati Parlan <div class="page" title="Page 1"> <div class="section"> <div class="layoutArea"> <div class="column"> <p>Ecological jihad is a paradigm that integrates religious teachings as inspiration to raise awareness and encourage collective action in environmental conservation. This article examines the role of religion in motivating the ecological movement by highlighting the experiences of interfaith communities in Indonesia, such as Eco Bhinneka Muhammadiyah and GreenFaith Indonesia. Based on empirical data and environmental theories such as eco-justice and eco-theology, ecological jihad emphasizes the importance of integrating spiritual values, environmental ethics, and social justice in facing global challenges such as climate change, biodiversity destruction, and pollution. This article also highlights the relevance of ecological jihad in addressing social inequality exacerbated by the environmental crisis, while providing faith-based solutions oriented towards sustainability. This approach is realized through education, community action, and policy advocacy as a sustainable transformation movement.</p> </div> </div> </div> </div> 2025-02-20T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Menandingi Reduksionisme Ekologis: Menceritakan Hubungan Ekologis Menyakitkan dalam Etnografi Komunitas Rural 2025-02-20T07:08:22+00:00 Geger Riyanto <div class="page" title="Page 1"> <div class="section"> <div class="layoutArea"> <div class="column"> <p>Based on a personal reflection of ethnographic fieldwork, this paper presents strategies for depicting the relationship between rural communities and their landscapes. The relationship between rural communities and their environment is frequently portrayed as harmonious and non-exploitative. However, this portrayal oversimplifies the more complex socio-ecological dynamics. Ecological adaptation ethnographies, which capture the individual relationship with nature, are prone to be interpreted as exemplifications of local wisdom, justifying this reductionism. An ethnographic moment that should be highlighted is rural communities’ painful experience with their landscapes. These moments vividly demonstrate how humans are constantly confronted with uncertainty in their interactions with their environment and the ever-changing dynamics between them. My exposure to the painful experiences of local residents in their ecological relationships, which I will discuss here, compels me to turn away from frameworks that oversimplify the relationship between the two.</p> </div> </div> </div> </div> 2025-02-20T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Al-‘Alam, Jihad, Dzalim, dan Mustadh‘afin: Perempuan Memaknai Perlawanan terhadap Pencemaran PT. RUM Sukoharjo 2025-02-20T07:06:09+00:00 Dewi Candraningrum <div class="page" title="Page 2"> <div class="layoutArea"> <div class="column"> <p>Since 2017, the mothers of Nguter, affected by environmental pollution caused by PT. RUM in Sukoharjo, Central Java, have mobilized to voice their environmental protests through prayer circles and religious sermons, conducted from house to house as well as in mosques. Throughout this process, a transformation in the meaning of certain Qur’anic terminologies they employ has taken place, including dzalim, al-‘alam, jihad, and mustadh‘afin. The term dzalim, which was previously used to refer to those who oppress the Muslim community, has been redefined to denote PT. RUM and its affiliates, including lawyers and judges who have supported the company during legal proceedings. Environmental awareness has also increased, as reflected in the growing use of the term al-‘alam. Previously infrequent in local discourse due to the community’s access to clean air and water, this term has now become integral to the resistance narrative following the contamination of the air and the Gupit River by hydrogen sulfide (H2S) pollution. Similarly, the concept of jihad has been internalized through Surah Al-‘Ankabut (29:69) and is manifested in the resistance against environmental degradation, which is regarded as both a moral and spiritual obligation. Furthermore, the term mustadh‘afin, frequently appearing in religious sermons and protest activities, has been adopted by the mothers of Nguter to self-identify as an oppressed community due to the presence of the rayon factory. The meaning of this term has expanded from ‘the downtrodden’ to encompass those ‘whose rights have been taken away’ and ‘those whose inheritance has been stripped.’ This semantic shift illustrates how the community interprets ecological disaster and constructs a collective identity rooted in religious values as they struggle against environmental pollution.</p> </div> </div> </div> 2025-02-20T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Puisi Gody Usnaat 2025-02-20T06:26:59+00:00 Puisi Gody Usnaat <div class="page" title="Page 1"> <div class="layoutArea"> <div class="column"> <p>Puisi Gody Usnaat</p> </div> </div> </div> 2025-02-20T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Dilarang Menyalakan Api di Ladang Padi 2025-02-20T07:05:10+00:00 Raudal Tanjung Banua <div class="page" title="Page 1"> <div class="layoutArea"> <div class="column"> <p>Dilarang Menyalakan Api di Ladang Padi</p> </div> </div> </div> 2025-02-20T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Krisis Ekologi Bali: Pergulatan Moralitas Lokal dalam Arus Wacana Iklim Global 2025-02-20T07:09:24+00:00 Annette Hornbacher <p>Pulau Bali terkenal sebagai surga tropis yang rimbun dengan tanah vulkanik yang subur, dihuni oleh para petani yang juga seniman dan pencipta ritual penuh warna, sistem irigasi yang kompleks dan lanskap sawah yang&nbsp;berkelanjutan secara ekologis dan sangat menakjubkan.</p> <p>Keindahan kehidupan sehari-hari, pertanian dan ritual ini telah memikat banyak generasi turis dan antropolog yang menafsirkan ‘tatanan yang sempurna’ (Lansing 2006) dari lanskap budaya Bali sebagai perwujudan dari kosmologi yang didasarkan pada kaidah-kaidah keseimbangan dan keselarasan di antara hal-hal berseberangan, misalnya dalam membersihkan sekaligus menyuburkan aliran ‘air suci’ di sepanjang poros kosmos antara puncak-puncak gunung vulkanik dan laut. Begitu pentingnya air dalam praktik ritual, orang Bali biasa menyebut agama mereka sebagai agama tirtha, ‘agama air suci’.</p> 2025-02-20T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Spiritualitas Ekologis: Peran Agama dalam Mengatasi Krisis Iklim 2025-02-20T07:09:08+00:00 Khalisah Khalid Hamzah Fansuri <p>Nilai-nilai agama dan isu lingkungan hidup sebenarnya tidak terpisahkan, tetapi sering dianggap sebagai hal yang berbeda karena pemaknaan agama yang sempit, yang hanya menekankan hubungan vertikal dengan&nbsp;Tuhan atau, jika diperluas, sebatas interaksi antar manusia. Namun, di tengah krisis multidimensi dan bencana iklim yang sebagian besar disebabkan oleh ulah manusia, pemaknaan beragama perlu diperluas agar mencakup kepedulian terhadap alam. Kesadaran akan peran agama dalam menyelamatkan Bumi semakin berkembang dalam dua dekade terakhir, mendorong umat beragama untuk merefleksikan kembali relasinya dengan Tuhan, sesama manusia, dan lingkungan— hablumminallah, hablumminannas, hablum minal alam. Pada akhirnya, spiritualitas harus menjadi pedoman dalam upaya kolektif menyelamatkan Bumi dan seluruh makhluk hidup dari ancaman krisis iklim.</p> 2025-02-20T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2025