MAARIF <p class="Text"><strong><span lang="EN-GB">MAARIF: ARUS PEMIKIRAN ISLAM DAN SOSIAL</span></strong><span lang="EN-GB">&nbsp; adalah jurnal refleksi-kritis Pemikiran Islam dan Sosial. Jurnal ini diterbitkan oleh MAARIF Institute <em>for Culture and Humanity</em>, dengan frekuensi terbit 2 kali setahun (Juni, Desember).</span></p> <p class="Text"><span lang="EN-GB">Jurnal MAARIF merupakan ruang bagi diskursus pemikiran kritis para cendekiawan, agamawan, peneliti, dan aktivis mengenai isu-isu keislaman, keindonesiaan, dan kemanusiaan. Di antara beberapa cendekiawan yang pernah berkontribusi dalam penerbitan jurnal ini adalah Abdul Munir Mulkhan, Ahmad Jainuri, Ahmad Syafii Maarif, Andreas A. Yewangoe, Anhar Gonggong, Ariel Heryanto, Asvi Warman Adam, Donny Gahral Adian, F. Budi Hardiman, Franz Magnis-Suseno, M. Amin Abdullah, M.C. Ricklefs, Mohamad Sobary, Ratna Megawangi, Reed Taylor, Saparinah Sadli, Syafiq A. Mughni, Vedi R. Hadiz, Yudi Latif, dan beberapa tokoh lainnya.</span></p> en-US (M Supriadi) (Deni Murdiani) Tue, 09 Jan 2024 06:07:02 +0000 OJS 60 Diskursus Tentang Ulama Perempuan di Sumatera Barat: Transformasi Gagasan Kesetaraan Syafii Maarif <div class="page" title="Page 1"> <div class="section"> <div class="layoutArea"> <div class="column"> <p>The discourse about female Ulama is part of a social movement that is currently developing in Indonesia. The authority of the ulama, which for centuries has been dominated by men, experienced turbulence with the presence of this idea, especially after the holding of the KUPI (Congress of Indonesian Women Ulama) and the training of Female Ulama Cadres on various social media platforms. The agenda of the women’s ulama movement is also in line with Ahmad Syarii Maarif’s ideas about egalitarian attitudes in religion and the importance of awareness of gender equality to encourage social change. The research for the article is intended to see how Buya’s progressive ideas can be transformed into the religious dynamics of society in West Sumatra. Reading of this phenomenon is carried out using critical discourse analysis methods. Attention is focused on the discourse of female ulama as part of the transformation process of the idea of equality championed by Syafii Maarif. It was found that support from the government and various elements of society for the existence of female ulama still needs to be fought for because awareness of the importance of clerical authority for women has not been developed.</p> </div> </div> </div> </div> Ka’bati Copyright (c) 2023 Tue, 09 Jan 2024 00:00:00 +0000 Kontroversi Kesejarahan Pengarang Bahrul Lahut Antara Ulama Aceh dan Ulama Minangkabau <div class="page" title="Page 1"> <div class="section"> <div class="layoutArea"> <div class="column"> <p>Studies on the history of the author of Bahrul Lahut, namely Sheikh Abdullah Arif, have never been carried out, even though there are different versions, especially between sources in Aceh and sources in Minangkabau. Therefore, this research seeks to uncover the controversy over Bahrul Lahut’s authorship and touch on its content as a preliminary study because the two are interconnected. This research uses a philological, archaeo-genealogical and historical approach. The aim of the research is to reveal the content of Bahrul Lahut and the history of its author which is still related to the teachings in the manuscript. The results of the study, (1) Bahrul Lahut’s content describes the creation of the universe which is influenced by Ibn Arabi’s understanding of wahdatul form and emanation. (2) The genealogy of Bahrul Lahut’s knowledge has the same paradigm as the spirit of the revision of the wujudiyah ideology carried out by Sheikh Abdurrouf Singkel, who attempted to reconcile the conflict between the wujudiyah and syuhudiyah ideologies in Islamic circles in the archipelago. (3) Sheikh Abdullah Arif is not a single figure because in several sources it is stated that he is not only considered a scholar from the 12th century during the Samudera Pasai Kingdom, but is also known as the first teacher of Sheikh Burhanuddin Ulakan, who was a student of Sheikh Abdurrouf Singkel. Referring to the genealogy of knowledge of works and sources from Minangkabau, the history of Sheikh Abdullah Arif is closer to the time of Sheikh Abdurrouf Singkel, namely the period of the Aceh Darussalam Kingdom (17th century), so previous claims state that he lived during the Samudera Pasai Kingdom (17th century - 12) deserves to be questioned again.</p> </div> </div> </div> </div> Mashuri Copyright (c) 2023 Tue, 09 Jan 2024 00:00:00 +0000 Implementasi Pendidikan Karakter pada Sekolah Inklusif di SDN Cisarua Kota Sukabumi <div class="page" title="Page 1"> <div class="section"> <div class="layoutArea"> <div class="column"> <p>This research aims to describe the implementation of character education in inclusive schools at SDN Cisarua, Sukabumi City. The aspects observed in the implementation of character education include learning, example, strengthening, and habituation. This is qualitative research with a descriptive qualitative research design. The subjects of this research included school principals, class teachers, and students with special needs (ABK). The data collection techniques used in this research are interviews, observation, and documentation studies. This research data was analyzed using data reduction steps, data presentation, and drawing conclusions. Data validity checking technique using triangulation of techniques and sources the results of the research show that the principal’s policy and the role of the class teacher have been instilled in students in their class, especially those with special needs, through learning, example, strengthening, and habituation. In implementing learning, teachers emphasize instilling the character values of tolerance and caring. The teacher does this in learning by instilling concepts through explanations, discussing moral issues, stories, active learning, and collaborative methods. Apart from that, teachers also set examples in attitudes and actions, give awards, provide individual assistance, and familiarize students with mingling with friends with special needs, both in the classroom and outside the classroom.</p> </div> </div> </div> </div> Ridwan Ahmad Sidik, Ucu Rahayu, Rokayah Copyright (c) 2023 Tue, 09 Jan 2024 00:00:00 +0000 Anatomi dan Anomali Kepatuhan <div class="page" title="Page 1"> <div class="section"> <div class="layoutArea"> <div class="column"> <p>In national and state life, we are under the auspices of a constitution which is supported by a mutual commitment and consensus to obey each other. Ironically, the state, in this case power, along with mainstream culture, tends to be hegemonic which makes the anatomy of societal obedience sometimes at the point of anomaly. The state, through the party in power, can subtly adapt the consensus, if necessary to circumvent the constitution, for the sake of the group’s interests. Meanwhile, mainstream culture creates mass tastes, capitalizing on values because there is large capital and access. Anticipating this, if in politics there is an opposition system that balances the policies of the party in power, then in culture (necessarily) there is a counter-culture. Fighting culture is an alternative way to get out of oppressive and dominant conditions. Including national political phenomena and cultural politics. The following article examines various forms of counterculture directed against hegemonic centers, such as in literature and culture. This is no exception to Buya Ahmad Syafii Maarif’s unique fighting culture: fighting while keeping the foundations of the nation upright.</p> </div> </div> </div> </div> Raudal Tanjung Banua Copyright (c) 2023 Tue, 09 Jan 2024 00:00:00 +0000 Langgam Buya Syafii Merawat Rindu dan Nurani <div class="page" title="Page 1"> <div class="section"> <div class="layoutArea"> <div class="column"> <p>Buya Syafii Maarif conveys his critical thoughts through sharp and readable writing. In some of his writings, Buya Syafii uses elements of Minang language which is his mother tongue. This method makes the writing have its own amazing characteristics. This article will discuss the figure of Buya Syafii who is behind the Minang style of speaking Indonesian. The focus will be on how Buya chooses Minang style words and expressions and the context of the ideas and thoughts that underlie them, as well as why he uses Minang linguistic elements in some of his writings. By positioning Buya as a subject who is conveying/ expressing something (the subject of enunciation), this paper finds that his writings in the Minang style are an expression of a dialectical way of thinking and an expression of longing for the Ideal.</p> </div> </div> </div> </div> Ridwan Muzir Copyright (c) 2023 Tue, 09 Jan 2024 00:00:00 +0000 Tradisi dalam Wawasan Buya Syafii Pasca Titik Kisar <div class="page" title="Page 1"> <div class="section"> <div class="layoutArea"> <div class="column"> <p>Religion, in this note, is seen as tradition. It is a historical product of the application of intellectual ideas that rose to sacred status equal to religion. According to Fazlur Rahman, this was an error that stemmed from the poor scientific discipline of the Muslim intellect in the early phase of the Muslim tradition. Buya Ahmad Syafii Maarif follows Fazlur Rahman’s views and strengthens them through a further review of the process of inheritance of this tradition and attempts to explain that the contemporary problems of the Muslim world still rest on the same base of mistakes; traditions that are sacred as a religion - Thus it is forbidden to change even though the norms in that tradition are already weak and no longer relevant to be used to fortify the Muslim world.</p> </div> </div> </div> </div> Riki Dhamparan Putra Copyright (c) 2023 Tue, 09 Jan 2024 00:00:00 +0000 Pada Mulanya Ayah, Lalu Buya, Kemudian Iqbal, Akhirnya W.s. Rendra <div class="page" title="Page 1"> <div class="section"> <div class="layoutArea"> <div class="column"> <p>In particular, there has been no particular study that thoroughly explores the traces of Ahmad Syafii Maarif’s (Buya Syafii) thought in the cultural realm. As the title of this journal suggests, it seems like an attempt to look at Buya Syafii’s cultural road map. However, in fact, all of Buya’s thoughts and ways of life were culture itself, humans and humanity in their manners and civilisation. This paper presents the author’s intention to trace the path of Buya’s association with culturalists, his views and admiration for their works, thoughts and cultural movements. It starts with Buya’s association with Pakistani poets, Muhammad Iqbal, and Rendra.</p> </div> </div> </div> </div> David Krisna Alka Copyright (c) 2023 Tue, 09 Jan 2024 00:00:00 +0000 Warisan Metafora Ahmad Syafii Maarif <div class="page" title="Page 1"> <div class="section"> <div class="layoutArea"> <div class="column"> <p>This article is the earliest exploration of the legacy of metaphors created by Ahmad Syafii Maarif in his writings. As an initial exploration, this article discusses three examples of the many metaphors contained in the two books of his latest collection of writings, namely Indonesia Approaching a Century: Reflections on Community, Nationality and Humanity (Mizan, 2022) and Bullets of Reflections on the Mujahid (Publisher Kompas Books, 2023). The three metaphors chosen are both related to the existence of the state, especially the nation, politics and republic. However, the three of them are different from each other, not only in context but also in the structure of the metaphor itself. Furthermore, as an intellectual product from a seasoned scholar, this article also tries to display the initial potential of these three metaphors as Cultural Memory, so that the legacy of these metaphors in the future will not only be positioned as the result of linguistic skill but can also become a means to ignite awareness. collective.</p> </div> </div> </div> </div> Heru Joni Putra Copyright (c) 2023 Tue, 09 Jan 2024 00:00:00 +0000 Relasi “Dialektik–Etik” Islam-Demokrasi di Indonesia <div class="page" title="Page 1"> <div class="section"> <div class="layoutArea"> <div class="column"> <p>Ahmad Syafii Maarif—whose nickname is Buya Syafii—is one of the leading Muslim intellectuals in Indonesia who inherited not only scholarly work, but also an exemplary personality to which he has attached attributes as a national figure. Maarif has come up with various ideas which are spread across various publication platforms such as articles in various leading newspapers and books. Maarif is also active and has an important role in community organizations and government institutions. Maarif was the General Chair of the Muhammadiyah Central Leadership in 1998-2005 and a member of the Steering Committee of the Pancasila Ideology Advisory Board (BPIP). Maarif has also been president of the World Conference on Religion and Peace (WCRP) as a world interfaith forum in New York which promotes religion as an instrument of peace and non-violence. By considering his character and pioneering as one of the leading Muslim intellectuals and figures in Indonesia, Maarif is an interesting and important study subject. This article pays attention to Islamic thought or Maarif Islamic intellectualism which wants to link “dialectically-ethically” between Islam and Indonesianness. Maarif has a strong argument, which starts from reading the Koran, history and the Indonesian context that Islam does not need to be placed in “binary opposition” to political realities that have become the nation’s consensus such as Pancasila. Islam in Indonesia must thus be manifested in performance as an “ethical entity” which will later become a pillar for the realization of a civilized Indonesia. Dialectical-ethical thinking can be seen in Maarif’s arguments against democracy which are explored more in this article</p> </div> </div> </div> </div> Syamsul Arifin Copyright (c) 2023 Tue, 09 Jan 2024 00:00:00 +0000 Buya Syafii dan Bangsa yang Oleng: Sebuah Refleksi <div class="page" title="Page 1"> <div class="section"> <div class="layoutArea"> <div class="column"> <p>Prof. Dr. Ahmad Syafii Maarif or Buya Syafii has matured in personality and has relatively advanced knowledge because of the long process that he has not gone through easily. Experiencing a life episode that has many bitterness to a life that has a lot of sweetness, from being a school magazine writer, journalist and editor of party magazines, mass organization magazines, to being a teacher, manual worker, chicken and goat trader, to being a lecturer and struggling as hard as he can to climb the educational ladder until he gets doctoral degree and was confirmed as a professor of history at his campus. He once held the top position in the Muhamamdiyah Association, as General Chair, and held the position as General Leader of Suara Muhammadiah until the end of his life. Buya Syafii received the provisions to participate in dressing up or improving the lives of the Islamic Ummah and the Indonesian nation because he had studied and studied the world of thought of Muhamamd Iqbal and Fazlur Rahman and absorbed many role models from his seniors at Muhammadiyah and fellow Indonesian intellectuals and other national figures. Including his friendship with Gus Dur and leaders across religions and groups. Buya Syafii was very concerned when he saw something swaying. Including when he witnessed for himself the symptoms of a nation faltering which made him called to do and say things to improve the situation.</p> </div> </div> </div> </div> Mustofa W Hasyim Copyright (c) 2023 Tue, 09 Jan 2024 00:00:00 +0000 Meneropong dengan Kolom <div class="page" title="Page 1"> <div class="section"> <div class="layoutArea"> <div class="column"> <p>Ahmad Syafii Maarif is one of the many icons of religious, national and humanitarian thought in Indonesia. His thoughts were welcomed when he was named general chairman of the Muhammadiyah Central Leadership. His position as a thinker and mover is increasingly mature because the figure who is often called Buya Syafii is also a prolific columnist in various mass media such as newspapers. The columns are poignant and charming because they are sprinkled with poetry and proverbs.</p> </div> </div> </div> </div> Ahmadul Faqih Mahfudz Copyright (c) 2023 Tue, 09 Jan 2024 00:00:00 +0000 Ketika Misri Masih Dimainkan, Ketika Tari Masih Dipentaskan <div class="page" title="Page 1"> <div class="section"> <div class="layoutArea"> <div class="column"> <p>Muhammadiyah is stereotyped as an anti-art movement and dry of culture. In fact, in practice, efforts to use art and culture as an expression of Muhammadiyah are not non-existent and have not been carried out at all, both at the grassroots and at the elite level. The nature of the movement which naturally clashes with culture and the tendency to smooth over diversity in the name of organizational order means that these efforts are not continued or allowed to die.</p> </div> </div> </div> </div> Mahfud Ikhwan Copyright (c) 2023 Tue, 09 Jan 2024 00:00:00 +0000 Jalan Kebudayaan Ahmad Syafii Maarif Dakwah Kultural, Puisi Kebangsaan dan Inspirasi Kemanusiaan <div class="page" title="Page 8"> <div class="section"> <div class="layoutArea"> <div class="column"> <p>Artikel-artikel dalam jurnal MAARIF edisi Desember 2023 ini secara umum merefleksikan sekaligus menelaah secara kritis pemikiran Buya—terutama mengenai isu isu keummatan, kebangsaan, kemanusiaan, dan kebudayaan. Sejumlah artikel dalam jurnal ini tidak lain merupakan ikhtiar untuk merealisasikan gagasan besar Buya Syafii yang terangkum dalam konsep keislaman, keindonesiaan, dan kemanusiaan. Tema yang diangkat dalam jurnal ini juga menandai satu tahun wafatnya Buya Syafii, sekaligus menjadi bagian dari perjalanan dua dekade MAARIF Institute.</p> </div> </div> </div> </div> Moh. Shofan Copyright (c) 2023 Tue, 09 Jan 2024 00:00:00 +0000