About the Journal
MAARIF is a scholarly journal dedicated to the critical examination of Islamic and social thought. Published biannually (June and December) by the MAARIF Institute for Culture and Humanity, it provides a platform for rigorous analysis and discourse on issues concerning Islam, Indonesia, and global humanity. The journal showcases diverse perspectives from Indonesian and international scholars, religious leaders, researchers, and activists. Since its inception in June 2003, MAARIF has featured contributions from prominent Indonesian intellectuals and academics.
Beginning in 2025, MAARIF will broaden its scope to encompass Indonesian poetry and short story, along with interviews of influential individuals. Moreover, each edition's cover will showcase artwork by Indonesian artists, with the literary and artistic content carefully curated to complement the edition's thematic focus.
Current Issue
Beragama di Bumi. Itulah tajuk utama edisi ini, melaluinya jurnal Maarif mengajak pada perenungan kembali mengenai di mana kita berpijak. Bumi, sekali lagi, adalah ekosistem bersama, yang sayangnya, dalam Antroposen, kita tidak bisa mengabaikan bagaimana pola konsumsi manusia telah mendorong planet ini menuju krisis lingkungan. Dengan kata lain, tajuk ini juga bermaksud menimbang ulang peran manusia sebagai penjaga bumi alih-alih sebagai penguasanya.
Resensi Buku
Dilarang Menyalakan Api di Ladang Padi